Saturday, March 15, 2008

When Doves Cry

Megan went to New York this weekend with her friends. I'm sure we'll get along..... somehow.


Katie Davis said...

I am laughing out loud right now. I'll be waiting to hear if you did survive. But I can't decide which is funnier- the title to this post or the picture and post itself!

robin said...

Hey Party on. Time to introduce Ethan to the happy meal. My boys love it when I'm gone because they eat out every night. Although they hate the hours leading up to return when they are forced to clean up for the first time in days.

Chellie said...

lol at what Robin said! :)

NY with friends sounds awesome! I hope you and Ethan make it without her.

mckenzie said...

ha ha ha. suck it up. have fun meg! are you staying with our cousin?

Monson Family Fitness said...

i wish i was in her shoes!

Anonymous said...

Bless your Heart!
N & J

Kipp and Ashlee said...

That is the saddest picture and post I've ever seen!