Wednesday, October 24, 2007

You kill one and 300 come to the funeral

Here are just a few photos of the serious infestation of box elder bugs in Cache Valley (and one of beautiful Cache Valley). I don't remember those little black and red bugs being this bad. It's so bad that my mom woke up one night last week chewing on something crunchy and disgusting. She promptly spit it out, discovering it was a box elder bug. The slight tickle of box elder bug feet on my arms or face woke me up several times during my stay there. My mom would vacuum in the morning and the carpet would be crawling with the little pests by the afternoon. Pretty crazy.


Jeremy said...

What is going on there? And having them crawl on you and in your mouth while sleeping...that's more than I could handle! I would be spraying the perimeters of my house with the most toxic of poisons three times a day.

JaCee said...

eeeewwww! I second the first comment. It could be worse, like black widows or something.....It is bad though, even at our house which is not in the country setting.

Katy said...

Wow, that is horrible that your mom had one in her mouth. They are really bad this year.