Wednesday, July 16, 2008



mckenzie said...

i love that i'm in the background of every one of those pictures. i am also being sarcastic

Chellie said...

nothing better than pictures! love it!

Monson Family Fitness said...

It was so fun to run into you when you were up! Such a good surprise! I hope you had a fun trip and got to feast at all the places you had hoped! I can't believe that The Italian Place or Logan's Heroes didn't make your list!

Kipp and Ashlee said...

You got some great pictures!! They make me so homesick for Logan... even though it's not my home anymore. What the heck is Ethan doing hugging a dog? Why does he hate our dogs? Oh yeah, because they're crazy. So, are you guys back now?

Kipp and Ashlee said...

What a funny and sad memory you left me! You are so right... I was terrified! And then I thought I was crazy because you said you weren't really scared when you got married. I thought, "What am I doing?!". You were good moral support, though. I think I needed that car ride with you. All the nerves went away as soon as we were married, and obviously I'm so happy to be married to Kipp=).

I thought your gift was hilarious. I totally expected that from my friends, but then it ended up coming from sweet, little innocent Megan. I knew right then we'd be great friends. I seriously loved that you were open enough to give that because I'm open about that kind of stuff.

Who can forget all the late game nights we used to have in Smithfield. I miss those! I loved playing Balderdash with you guys because you're so good at it... we should play again. This isn't really a specific memory, but it's weird to think about seeing you at the boys' house before either of us married them. That's all=). We love you guys!

robin said...

Ethan is so cute. So sad we missed you guys. Out to eat with the stucki girls on our way to cache valley right now.