Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bodily functions one-oh-one

Yesterday afternoon Ethan belched. After a few seconds he looked at me like he'd just discovered America and began to yell, "Fot, fot, fot!"

"Close Ethan! But that's a burp, not a fart."


Melissa said...

haha, I love it!! That's hilarious and such a boy thing to get excited about. I get to have one of those soon! How are you, cute girl? I miss seeing you! Can we still be friends even though I moved 5 miles north?

mckenzie said...

well they're darn close aren't they? i'd get them confused if i didn't live with two boys.

shamers said...

awesome. just wait for this one: "mama, i barfed."

shamers said...

oops: i mean, "supermommy, i barfed."