A few days before Christmas I realized I hadn't been so excited for the big day since I was 10. I could not wait to see Ethan's reaction.
Santa didn't disappoint. And neither did Ethan. He was so excited about Thomas the Tank Engine.
Every morning since, the first thing Ethan says when I get him up is, "play Thomas."
These photos aren't in order but I'm too lazy to move them. On Christmas Eve, we went ice skating on the sculpture garden fountain. It was a beautiful night and the setting, sandwiched by the National Archives building and the National Mall, made it perfect. I was shocked to see little skates just Ethan's size. We took him out and he loved it. You can't really tell by his facial expression when he is skating (or Ryan is dragging him by his belt loops - see video) but the moment we stopped skating, he started kicking his feet and screaming like we were kidnapping him. So we skated (despite our hurting backs from leaning over the kid) until close.
After skating, we went to see the trees and trains at the White House. There were too many people there, but it was still fun to be out doing stuff on Christmas Eve. We also went tubing that weekend. Tubing was not Ethan's favorite activity, but I'm blaming the extremely sticky man-made snow on that.
More photos will follow. We are having issues since we lost our camera charger and I accidentally erased every photo on our computer ;(. I'm still getting over it, but once I do, I'll be a blogging fiend.
he'd going to be doing triple sow cows any day now or smashing other kids into the rail.
Did Ryan tell you about when Brennen got (looks like the same) Thomas train for Christmas?
Way cute iceskater and what with the man in black getting into your shot? I thought he was going to take Ethan out once.
The man in black is your older brother Rob.
Pretty sure that was the funniest video ever...
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